Be Etiquette Safeguarding Policy
This policy is implemented to ensure young people receiving services from Be Etiquette Learning Centre are protected. As a provider for education, we must be aware of the issues regarding concern in the young person’s life at home or elsewhere. The safeguarding policy adheres to the guidance and procedures of the Luton Safeguarding Partnership’s. The safeguarding policy and procedures incorporates an explanation of the required action in the occurrence of allegations proposed against a staff member and covers the use of cameras and mobile devices in the work setting. And ensure unvetted adult’s do not have access to children.
As a young person’s education provider, Working Together 2018 advocates we have a duty under the Children’s Act 2006 section 40 to work in compliance to both the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Safeguarding is promoting the welfare of children and young person defined as:
As a provider, Be-Etiquette will ensure staff members are trained in accordance to this policy and its procedures and all safeguarding issues will be reported to the provider promptly to ensure knowledge is updated. I have completed safeguarding training which provides me with insight to recognise signs of potential abuse and neglect. This will include:
LU2 9EE, Luton, Luton, England, United Kingdom